A. Dovzhenko st. 3, Kyiv, Ukraine
info@e-pages.net +38 (063) 866-74-59


LHGroup represents more than 20 selected luxury and premium European brands in the fashion market.

LHGroup chooses E-PAGES to create new eCommerce solution.



Little House is a chain of multi-brand stores for clothing, accessories and toys from the best premium and deluxe European brands: Falke, Hanro, Roeckl, Steiff, Sanetta, Elsy, TOPModel and others. Little House is part of the LHGroup of companies, which officially represents premium European brands in Ukraine, both wholesale and mono-brand retail stores.

Premium quality, high quality requirements, elegance and high technology form the basis of the products presented by LHGroup. Customer care and high-quality service are always in the first place for the company.


As a privately owned group of companies, LHGroup needed a eCommerce platform that could be easily scalable and meet customer demands.

LHGroup recognized their customers buying habits were migrating to online shopping. LHGroup turned to E-PAGES to create eCommerce solution that would offer their customers the option to use a online store or to continue with traditional purchase methods.

The main requirements of the customer for the project were: the creation of a modern online store, the implementation of a CRM system and two-way integration with the company's accounting system.

Business tasks to be solved:

  • Automation of the work of all departments engaged in processing orders.
  • Reducing the influence of the human factor on the final result.
  • Increasing customers LTV and Retention by increasing customers loyalty and cross-selling of related services.
  • Cutting down times of creating and processing of online orders.

  • Key results:

    Creation and successful launch of an online store:

  • Increase in the company's revenue from online sales.
  • Increase in cross-selling of related services.

  • Implementation of CRM system:

  • Increase in the company's profit from online sales.
  • Reduction of time and cost for ordering and processing.

  • The customer is currently increasing the number of services and communication tools used on the CRM portal within the company.

    You want to launch eCommerce?

    If so then simply contact us! In an initial discussion, we can find out whether we are the right partners for your project and then we can work out a concept for you together!

    Just contact us here.